Daily Post challenge: Fleeting Moment

The new Daily Post challenge, “Fleeting moment,” is ideal for this photo which I got when we went walking along our promenade yesterday afternoon. The weather was so perfect again, and we walked quite a bit further than usual, right to the the start of the Lagoon Nature Reserve. Years ago, one could just carry on and go wandering through this indigenous forest, refuge to many wetland and coastal forest birds and animals, but just at the entrance, we saw a sign warning us that for security reasons it’s now inadvisable to enter this area alone and without a trained guide, so we turned back. Just at that moment, we heard a raucous call, which could only be a monkey, and peering into the foliage, we saw a merry band of Vervets, flitting from tree to tree. They moved so fast that we couldn’t catch them on camera, but luckily, for a fleeting moment, one of them stopped to examine a piece of orange peel which he’d picked up from the path, and he looked straight at us, before turning tail and going in pursuit of his mates.

74 comments on “Daily Post challenge: Fleeting Moment

  1. Happy little monkey! Looks like the lagoon rature reserve could offer some good trails for running? And if you run fast enough you can outrun the baddies, ha!

  2. Oh, wow. Love the Lagoon Nature Reserve. Reminds me of my childhood dreams of being in a Island full of fascinating creatures. Thanks for the great adventure today. Wishing you and your family all the best.

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment… | Mirth and Motivation

  4. it is so sad that we aren’t safe even in a nature area, and I’m sure the threat comes from animals in clothes, not the more natural ones

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Fleeting Moment | Chittle Chattle

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Fleeting Moment | Just Snaps

  7. I love watching the monkeys in our backyard. This week a family was so busy feeding that they were hardly bothered when I parked my car. Sad that so many of our nature areas have become unsafe.

    • Yes it is very sad, and I don’t think it will ever change back. ;( Those monkeys are always so busy aren’t they? Only stop to have a scratch. πŸ˜‰

  8. Suddenly my reader refuses to open blogs that I follow
    So please for give me if I do not always like/comment. I do not want to fiddle with my firewall because I do the banking from here!

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