Wordless Wednesday: The Giant’s Face

Here is an unusual lichen-covered rock formation at St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall. It is called “The Giant’s Face.” Legend says that a mythical giant named Cormoran once lived on the Mount, and he used to wade ashore and steal cows and sheep from the villagers to feed his gargantuan appetite. I wonder if this is what he looked like?



74 comments on “Wordless Wednesday: The Giant’s Face

  1. Dude. I love this shot. I don’t know if it’s the profile or the angle or the sunshine, but something about it … looks like there story behind the story…more than sheep stealing πŸ™‚

  2. Gee, thanks AD! My sisters and my brother have visited Michael’s Mount and have sent me numerous photo’s and descriptions ~ but nowhere have they photographed this giant’s head or mentioned him. Btw, love Newsferret’s comment above.

    • I think that some people wouldn’t actually see that it was anything special. Hubby couldn’t understand why I wanted to photograph it, but when he saw the pic, he realised it had a face. πŸ™‚ I didn’t know that it had a name until I looked it up on Google and found a similar photo.

  3. anche io sono stata attratta da questo volto di gigante durante la mia visita a Mont St: Michel, tutto lassù così fantastico! immagino che sia stato punito per il grande appetito e per questo sia stato fatto diventare di pietra, he he
    dopo il rientro dal mio viaggio ho ancora la gioia di partecipare alle tue bellissime avventure fotografiche
    ben ritrovata!
    un grande abbraccio

    also I have been attracted to this giant’s face during my visit to Mont St Michel, all up there so fantastic! I guess it’s been punished for the great appetite and it was made of stone, he he
    After returning from my trip I still have joy to participate in your beautiful photo adventures
    well found!
    a big hug

  4. Pingback: {Almost} Wordless Wednesday | Writing Canvas

  5. I’m fascinated by the folklore surrounding some natural rock formations. This rock and the story behind it are a case in point. Thanks for sharing him with us.

  6. Pingback: Wordless Wednesday – peaceful « Dancing with Fireflies

  7. No doubt about it. This is the giant. Cloud formations and what we imagine them to be are just temporary. Look how long this rock giant has been there…forever.

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