
I love to write about anything and everything. I enjoy travel, and do so frequently, so sometimes I may be blogging from South Africa, sometimes from West Palm Beach in Florida. the possibilities are endless. I have close family and friends on three continents, I play the piano, go to gym, love to read and sometimes even find the time to watch TV. I have a son, a daughter and five gorgeous grandchildren, and I have been happily married to the same wonderful man for umpteen years.

256 comments on “About

  1. I am awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award for the quality of your work. I realize that it is a tremendous amount of work to accept this award and of course do understand if you do not have the time to do so! Jejeje, it’s taken me months to getting around to accepting this myself!
    Congratulations! Keep up the good work. I enjoy your work immensely!

    Please refer to the following for instructions:

    Versatile Blogger Award

  2. Pingback: On Tributes | A Frank Angle


    • Thanks so much, Sangeeta. I’m very honoured that you have chosen my blog for this award. I’m not accepting awards at the moment, but will keep a note of it in case I change my mind. 🙂 xx

  4. Awesome Pictures and I loved your great passion for travelling and 3 continents..I have never crossed one continent….that is really awesome.. 🙂

  5. Finally stopping by for a visit. Thank you for your visits to my WP part of the world. I will be seeing you to now on my reader as you post updates to your days in paradise 🙂

  6. Nice reading about you

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may find something of your interest.

  7. I am Ritu from the blog ‘Beyond Beauty Tips’. I saw that we were connected through my blog. I announced my new domain but I haven’t seen you there yet.
    Please show some love to my new ‘Things To Rave About’ (http://toraveabout.com) which is just BBT at a new address.
    Hoping to see you there. Thanks!
    I love to travel too but I don’t get to it that often as you!I loved your images in the post meant for ‘The Sign Says’.

    • Thanks so much, Ann Christine. I’m so happy that I was the first one to welcome you here, and that you have become such a prolific blogger. Thanks for the lovely award. xx

  8. Life is good. That about sums up your “About”. Loving that picture of you in your header looking all relaxed. Thank you for stopping by my blog, leaving such a warm comment, and subscribing! I am off to visit your lovely space and see what you have been up to. Margie

  9. Pingback: Award from a friend, Thank you @Gerry! | Campanulla Della Anna

  10. Pingback: Bloggers Tag | Alastair's Blog

  11. I’m so way behind with catching up with my followers and likers, so sorry I didn’t visit sooner. I love your blog!

    Thanks for stopping by mine 🙂

    Warm regards,

  12. Pingback: Blog of the Year Award | Elixir of Memories

  13. hello beautiful friend, thank you for the follow! from one paradise to another… wow, life feels good! I look forward to getting to know you. Much love…

  14. Oh, Good Grief! I’m dizzy from the scroll down here! 🙂 I clicked on your Gravatar from my blog. It is linked to the Blog 24 site. There, I got interested in the artist from Africa. Then … I got all interested in the kitchen renovation and a bunch of other stuff here. I don’t know how I’ve missed all of these fascinating posts. I’ll be back to discover more soon! I love this blog. Thanks for jogging my old memory.

    • Wow, there’s an awful lot of reading, if you go so far back, George. I don’t post on the Blog 24 site any more because of all the spam. Love WordPress proper though. 😀 Have a great day my friend. *hugs*

  15. I’ve seen your name and presence on my blog numerous times. I appreciate the courtesy and look forward to your visits & comments. In retirement my traveling is limited to local locations but considering I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest I have no regrets. I chose this beautiful area more than two years ago. I look forward to visiting your site, viewing your travel photos & reading your perspective on life. Be well! – Bob

  16. Pingback: Don’t shoot the Messenger! « The Palladian Traveler

  17. Dear my friend , I wish to you a Merry Christmas to be blessed with happiness, good health, prosperity, and also your entire family!
    With much love, Stefan

  18. I just found your blog while reading Piglet in Portugal’s blog…reading your about me page…sounds like we have a lot in common. I look forward to reading more and getting to know you!

  19. Pingback: Blog of the year? Not me… « life portOfolio

  20. Pingback: I’ve just been Promoted « The Palladian Traveler

  21. Pingback: Blogging Award Nominations, … You Can Get It! | Campanulla Della Anna

  22. Congratulations, I´ve nominated you for the “Family of Bloggers Award”, to see what is involved check out my blog. If you choose not to accept the award I will not be offended, I just wanted to show how much I enjoy reading your blog and also to say thank you for your support and encouragement! Have a great day,G 🙂

  23. It does sound like you have a paradise life. I, too am blessed. I’m not sure I’ve been so many places, and my family is limited to one continent, but three states from Delaware to California. I do enjoy your blog, and appreciate you stopping by mine as well. 🙂

  24. Guess that’s one of the positives of reaching the grandchildren age, the time to travel, enjoy doing all the things you never had time for previously and blog so that others can share the wonderful places you’ve been to and enjoy having contact with others around the world. Greetings from a Scotland that sliding from wet summer towards autumn.

  25. Pingback: Capture the Colour… | The Retiring Sort

  26. Enjoying life to the fullest. Wonderful 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow, as well.
    Following back. Hope to see and read more of your wonderful stories. 🙂
    Have a great day!

  27. Hi there!
    I’m actually in Florida right now..so i need to delay my participation in ” 7 super shots” until I get back home…out doing “jungly” photo shoots…..THANKS FOR CHOOSING ME TO JOIN IN THE FUN!!

  28. Congratulations, I’ve nominated you for a blogging award. If you choose to accept, here’s the link to what it’s all about: http://wp.me/pXX8J-1c8.

    Absolutely no hard feelings if you choose to skip the acceptance… I just wanted to let you know I enjoy your blog.

  29. Hi, Another Day in Paradise. Welcome to the readers of diabeticredemption.com. I have a Friends page on my blog, where readers have shared info about themselves and their blogs. I invite you to do the same. Welcome!

  30. Hello Anotherdayinparadise,

    Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. You’ve got a nice blog up here yourself. Keep penning and keep inspiring! 🙂

    I would like to thank you for following my blog. I hope my blog doesn’t disappoint you and that your visits there have been and will always be a joyful ride.

    Thank you again and lovely day to you! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  31. Pingback: In Accordance with Award Rules – The Nominees Are… | The Retiring Sort

  32. Great page you have here my friend , I update my about page too
    We all know this Like box option is very late in appearance more power to your blog 🙂

  33. We sound like kindred spirits, except I mostly stay in the US, we live on the west coast of Florida, in Port Charlotte; have two daughters, 3 granddaughters and the umpteen years guy of my life. Gotta love it!

  34. It’s so great to see you here AD! I still can’t believe that I couldn’t get into your WP blog for all this time! I am so upset! Every time I clicked on your avatar I just got to your gravatar page and that was it. I wonder what was wrong? Oh well, luckily I didn’t miss any of your lovely adventures and awesome pics as I read them all on LD. 🙂
    *big hugs*

    • Thanks so much, Sonel. Strange things happen on WP, and I’ve also battled to get into my friends’ blogs. I’m so glad you found me at last. 😉 Have an awesome day. Hugs xx

      • Yeah well, fun and games hey! I am also glad I found you at last sweetie. Your blog on LD was and still is my most favorite and here on WP it will be the same. 🙂 *hugs*

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